Divorce lawyers in San Antonio

How to find divorce attorneys in San Antonio Texas?
Divorce attorneys in San Antonio Texas are not hard to come by since the city has super high rates of divorce.
To find the best divorce lawyers in San Antonio, you can either ask around for recommendations, or you can check client reviews online on some of the most commonly known sites where lawyers register at, like Justia.
How can I tell whether San Antonio divorce attorneys are good or not?
One way an attorney can stand out is by being public about their years of experience, the type of cases they have handled, their success rate, and whether or not they take on complicated cases.
If the professional has taken cases similar to yours and was able to give good results, then they should be a great pick for you. Keep in mind your budget when choosing an attorney.
Is it possible to get a free divorce in San Antonio Texas?
Yes, this is possible if the parties involved apply for a wavering of the fees of the court due to an inability to afford them. There are establishments in the city that offer advice and financial aid in such cases.
If the case is undisputed, the process becomes easier. But even if not, then some cases also make it easier to obtain financial aid, such as if the reason for divorce involves abuse.
The fees of each case differ according to how complex it is. The added fees of that you will have to pay for an attorney in Texas also vary widely, with an average range of $200 up to $500 an hour. However, if the couple agrees on all the major aspects, then both the attorney and the court can charge lesser fees, which may be just a few thousand dollars in total.
Some lawyers prefer a pre-agreed upon fee that they decide on, while others opt for payment per hour.
Hourly rates range from $200 to $500, in general, and the average flat retainer fees range from $2000 to $15000.
No. In Texas, you do not legally require a lawyer in order to complete a divorce, although it is not recommended to go through the entire process without at least consulting a lawyer.
$200 to $500 is the usual hourly rate.
Any form of property, including assets and income, is to be divided amongst the spouses. The division is done equally, but not necessarily in half. An equal distribution depends on many aspects. A husband’s retirement account, if any, is also partly distributed to the wife. Child custody is variable, and so is alimony.
Again, this is variable and depends on the case itself and whether or not it is complicated. However, there is a set sixty-day waiting period that begins when a petition is filed. After the sixty days are over, the process takes, on average, two to four months. Cases that include more disputes over serious matters do take longer. If the couple has mutually agreed on all major aspects, the process can be over almost as soon as the waiting period is over.
Both parties agreeing on all the clauses of the divorce is the cheapest way to get a divorce in Texas. Do keep in mind that it is always recommended to hire a lawyer, even for such uncomplicated cases. In fact, lawyers may even charge less for these cases. So, make use of the free consultations offered by lawyers, and find out how much they would charge for your case.
You can do that by requesting financial aid or the wavering of court fees.
The answer depends on the financial abilities of both parties. The lawyer will inform you about your legal obligations in this regard.
The rule does not specify that the wife specifically gets half of the assets. Exactly how much of the assets go to the wife depends on the case itself.